Unveiling The Eccentric Genius Behind Laszlo In "What We Do In The Shadows"

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Who is the Actor that Plays Laszlo in "What We Do in the Shadows?"

Editor's Note: "Laszlo actor What We Do in the Shadows" published on [date].

Our team of experts has analyzed and compiled this comprehensive guide on the actor who plays Laszlo in the popular TV show "What We Do in the Shadows" to help you understand his background, career, and role in the series:

Key Differences:

Characteristic Matt Berry Laszlo Cravensworth
Occupation Actor, comedian, writer Vampire
Nationality English Romanian
Known for His roles in "The IT Crowd," "Toast of London," and "What We Do in the Shadows" His eccentric personality, love of music, and disdain for housework

Main Article Topics:

  • Matt Berry's career and background
  • Laszlo Cravensworth's character in "What We Do in the Shadows"
  • The actor's portrayal of Laszlo
  • The impact of Laszlo on the show's popularity
  • Conclusion

Laszlo Cravensworth

Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo Cravensworth, an eccentric vampire in the TV show "What We Do in the Shadows," has captivated audiences with its humor and originality. Here are nine key aspects that explore various dimensions of this beloved character:

  • Arrogant: Laszlo's inflated ego and disdain for others often lead to hilarious misunderstandings.
  • Artistic: Despite his laziness, Laszlo possesses a passion for music and poetry, which he expresses through his eccentric performances.
  • British: Laszlo's accent and mannerisms reflect his aristocratic background and add to his quirky charm.
  • Charming: Despite his flaws, Laszlo has an undeniable charm that draws people to him.
  • Delusional: Laszlo's grandiose ideas and beliefs often clash with reality, creating comedic moments.
  • Dramatic: Laszlo loves to make a grand entrance and is always ready to deliver a passionate speech or performance.
  • Lazy: Laszlo is notorious for avoiding work and responsibilities, preferring to indulge in his hobbies and naps.
  • Romantic: Despite his quirks, Laszlo is deeply in love with his wife Nadja and is fiercely protective of her.
  • Vain: Laszlo takes great pride in his appearance and spends hours grooming his hair and wardrobe.

These key aspects combine to create a complex and unforgettable character that has become a fan favorite. Laszlo's arrogance and laziness often lead to humorous situations, while his artistic side and romantic nature add depth and vulnerability to his persona. Matt Berry's brilliant performance brings Laszlo to life, making him one of the most iconic vampires in television history.

Matt Berry Personal Details and Bio Data:

Full Name: Matthew Charles Berry
Date of Birth: May 2, 1974
Place of Birth: Bromham, Wiltshire, England
Occupation: Actor, comedian, writer, musician
Known for: "The IT Crowd," "Toast of London," "What We Do in the Shadows"


Laszlo's arrogance is a defining characteristic that contributes significantly to his comedic appeal in "What We Do in the Shadows." His inflated ego and disdain for others often lead to hilarious misunderstandings and social faux pas that drive the plot and entertain viewers.

One notable example is in the episode "The Trial," where Laszlo's arrogance leads him to dismiss the concerns of his fellow vampires. He refuses to take responsibility for his actions and instead blames others, resulting in a series of misunderstandings and conflicts that ultimately escalate into a full-blown trial.

Another instance occurs in the episode "The Orgy," where Laszlo's disdain for the other guests' musical tastes leads him to hijack the event and perform his own bizarre and off-putting songs. His arrogance blinds him to the fact that his music is not appreciated, creating an awkward and humorous situation.

Laszlo's arrogance is also a source of conflict between him and his wife, Nadja. His dismissiveness of her feelings and opinions often leads to misunderstandings and arguments. However, these conflicts are often resolved through humor, as Nadja finds ways to outsmart Laszlo and put him in his place.

Overall, Laszlo's arrogance is an integral part of his character and contributes to the overall comedic tone of "What We Do in the Shadows." His inflated ego and disdain for others lead to a series of hilarious misunderstandings and social faux pas that drive the plot and entertain viewers.

Table: The Impact of Laszlo's Arrogance on "What We Do in the Shadows"

Episode Laszlo's Arrogant Action Resulting Misunderstanding/Conflict Comedic Effect
"The Trial" Dismisses concerns of fellow vampires Escalates into a full-blown trial Highlights Laszlo's inability to take responsibility and his inflated ego
"The Orgy" Hijacks the event and performs bizarre songs Guests are not amused by his music Demonstrates Laszlo's lack of self-awareness and his disdain for others' tastes
"The Curse" Refuses to help Nadja lift a curse Nadja outsmarts Laszlo and forces him to help her Shows the tension between Laszlo's arrogance and Nadja's intelligence and resourcefulness


Laszlo's artistic side is a defining characteristic that adds depth to his character and showcases the versatility of Matt Berry's performance in "What We Do in the Shadows." Despite his laziness and disdain for most responsibilities, Laszlo harbors a genuine passion for music and poetry, which he expresses through his eccentric performances.

  • Musicality: Laszlo is a talented musician and singer, often composing and performing bizarre and off-putting songs that reflect his unique personality. His musicality adds a humorous and surreal element to the show, highlighting Laszlo's creative side amidst his laziness.
  • Poetry: Laszlo also has a flair for poetry, reciting dramatic and often nonsensical verses that showcase his eccentric nature. His poetry, like his music, adds a touch of absurdity to the show, providing comedic relief and revealing another facet of Laszlo's character.
  • Eccentric Performances: Laszlo's artistic expression is characterized by its eccentricity and unconventional nature. His performances are often strange, off-beat, and unpredictable, reflecting Laszlo's unique personality and his disregard for societal norms.
  • Creative Outlet: Laszlo's artistic pursuits serve as a creative outlet for his otherwise stifled and lazy lifestyle. Through music and poetry, he is able to express himself and escape the mundane routines of vampire existence.

Overall, Laszlo's artistic side is an important aspect of his character that adds depth and humor to "What We Do in the Shadows." Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo's eccentric performances and creative expression showcases the actor's versatility and contributes to the overall charm of the show.


The connection between Laszlo's British accent and mannerisms, his aristocratic background, and his quirky charm is a crucial aspect of the character's development and overall appeal in "What We Do in the Shadows." Laszlo's Britishness is not merely a superficial characteristic but an integral part of his identity and behavior.

Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo captures the nuances of British aristocracy, with exaggerated mannerisms and speech patterns that reflect Laszlo's sense of superiority and disdain for others. His accent, vocabulary, and gestures all contribute to the character's eccentric and unforgettable personality.

Laszlo's aristocratic background further informs his quirky charm. As a descendant of a noble Romanian family, Laszlo possesses a sense of entitlement and a belief in his own importance. This, combined with his British upbringing, creates a unique blend of arrogance and self-awareness that makes Laszlo both amusing and relatable.

The practical significance of understanding this connection lies in its contribution to Laszlo's overall characterization and the show's comedic success. Laszlo's Britishness and aristocratic background are not just cosmetic details but essential elements that shape his behavior, motivations, and interactions with other characters.

Characteristic Impact on Laszlo's Character
British accent and mannerisms Reflects Laszlo's aristocratic background, adds to his quirky charm, and contributes to his overall eccentricity.
Aristocratic background Informs Laszlo's sense of entitlement and superiority, making his quirky charm both amusing and relatable.


Laszlo's charm is an essential aspect of his character in "What We Do in the Shadows" and contributes significantly to the show's overall appeal. Despite his arrogance, laziness, and eccentric behavior, Laszlo possesses an undeniable charm that draws people to him, both within the show's universe and among the audience.

Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo perfectly captures this duality, showcasing the character's flaws while also highlighting his endearing qualities. Laszlo's charm is not simply a physical attribute but a combination of his wit, self-awareness, and genuine love for his companions.

The practical significance of understanding Laszlo's charm lies in its impact on the show's narrative and character dynamics. Laszlo's charm allows him to navigate social situations, form alliances, and even manipulate others to his advantage. It also makes him a fan favorite, as audiences find it difficult to resist his quirky personality and often inappropriate behavior.

Laszlo's Flaw Laszlo's Charm Impact on the Show
Arrogance Wit and self-awareness Allows Laszlo to assert himself while maintaining likeability.
Laziness Genuine love for his companions Makes Laszlo relatable and sympathetic despite his lack of motivation.
Eccentric behavior Unpredictability and spontaneity Keeps the audience entertained and engaged, making Laszlo a memorable character.


In "What We Do in the Shadows," Laszlo's delusions contribute significantly to the show's comedic appeal. His grandiose ideas and beliefs often clash with reality, leading to hilarious misunderstandings and absurd situations.

  • Self-Importance: Laszlo's inflated sense of self-importance leads him to believe he is superior to others and deserving of special treatment. This often results in comical interactions, as his actions and expectations fail to align with reality.
  • Unrealistic Goals: Laszlo frequently sets unrealistic goals for himself and others, often leading to humorous failures. His lack of self-awareness and inability to recognize his limitations contribute to these comedic moments.
  • Misinterpretations: Laszlo's tendency to misinterpret situations and conversations adds to the show's humor. His unique perspective and inability to grasp social cues create misunderstandings that lead to awkward and amusing outcomes.
  • Inappropriate Behavior: Laszlo's delusions often manifest in inappropriate behavior that clashes with social norms. His disregard for societal conventions and lack of self-control result in cringe-worthy and hilarious moments.

These facets of Laszlo's delusions not only contribute to the show's comedic success but also highlight the character's eccentric personality and endearing flaws. By juxtaposing Laszlo's grandiose beliefs with the mundane realities of vampire existence, the show creates a unique and entertaining blend of humor and character study.


Laszlo's dramatic flair is an integral part of his character in "What We Do in the Shadows" and significantly contributes to the show's comedic success. His love for grand entrances and passionate speeches not only adds to his eccentric personality but also highlights the actor's exceptional performance.

Matt Berry, the actor who portrays Laszlo, perfectly captures the character's dramatic nature through his expressive delivery and impeccable timing. Berry's ability to switch from over-the-top theatrics to subtle nuances adds depth to the character, making Laszlo both hilarious and relatable.

The practical significance of understanding Laszlo's dramatic nature lies in its impact on the show's narrative and character dynamics. Laszlo's grand entrances and speeches often serve as catalysts for comedic moments, breaking tension and propelling the plot forward. They also shed light on his insecurities and desire for attention, making him a more complex and well-rounded character.

Laszlo's Dramatic Tendencies Impact on "What We Do in the Shadows"
Grand Entrances Create comedic moments, break tension, and establish Laszlo's eccentric personality.
Passionate Speeches Reveal Laszlo's insecurities and desire for attention, adding depth to his character.
Expressive Delivery Enhances the comedic value of Laszlo's scenes and showcases Matt Berry's exceptional acting skills.


The facet of Laziness in Laszlo's character from "What We Do in the Shadows" holds significant relevance to the overall portrayal of the character and the show's comedic tone.

  • Evasion of Responsibilities
    Laszlo's aversion to work and responsibilities is a defining trait that contributes to numerous humorous situations. His consistent avoidance of tasks, coupled with his preference for leisure activities, creates a contrast that highlights his whimsical nature. For instance, in one episode, Laszlo shirks his vampire duties to pursue his passion for painting, leading to comical consequences.
  • Indulgence in Hobbies
    Laszlo's hobbies, ranging from playing the piano to composing poetry, provide an escape from his mundane existence. His dedication to these pursuits, often at the expense of his obligations, adds to his eccentric persona. By immersing himself in his interests, Laszlo creates moments of absurdity that entertain viewers.
  • Comic Relief
    Laszlo's laziness serves as a source of comic relief within the show's narrative. His reluctance to participate in tasks and his tendency to prioritize personal enjoyment over responsibilities generate humorous scenarios. These instances not only provide comedic value but also showcase Laszlo's unique approach to life.
  • Character Development
    Laszlo's laziness also contributes to his character development. Through his aversion to work, he challenges conventional notions of productivity and success. His laid-back attitude and pursuit of pleasure highlight the character's individuality and provide a contrast to the more ambitious and driven vampires in the show.

In conclusion, the facet of Laziness in Laszlo's character from "What We Do in the Shadows" plays a crucial role in shaping his comedic persona, generating humorous situations, and contributing to the show's overall tone. It also provides insights into Laszlo's unique approach to life and challenges societal expectations.


The facet of Romanticism in Laszlo's character from "What We Do in the Shadows" holds significant relevance to the overall portrayal of the character and the show's narrative.

  • Deeply in Love with Nadja
    Laszlo's romantic love for his wife Nadja is a central aspect of his character. Despite his eccentric and often selfish behavior, Laszlo genuinely cares for Nadja and consistently expresses his affection for her. This facet adds depth to Laszlo's character and makes him more relatable to viewers.
  • Fiercely Protective of Nadja
    Laszlo's love for Nadja extends to a strong sense of protectiveness. He is always ready to defend her from harm and often becomes jealous when other vampires show interest in her. This facet showcases Laszlo's vulnerability and highlights the importance of his relationship with Nadja.

In conclusion, the facet of Romanticism in Laszlo's character from "What We Do in the Shadows" adds depth and complexity to the character. His deep love for Nadja and his fierce protectiveness of her make him more relatable and sympathetic to viewers.


The facet of Vanity in Laszlo's character from "What We Do in the Shadows" is intricately connected to the overall portrayal of the character and the show's comedic tone.

Laszlo's excessive concern with his appearance stems from his deep-rooted belief in his own superiority. He sees himself as physically attractive and worthy of admiration, leading to his meticulous grooming habits. This vanity often manifests in hilarious situations, as Laszlo's attempts to maintain his appearance clash with the mundane realities of vampire existence.

The practical significance of understanding Laszlo's vanity lies in its impact on the show's narrative and character dynamics. Laszlo's preoccupation with his looks creates opportunities for comedic moments, as his vanity often leads him into awkward and embarrassing situations. It also highlights the character's self-centered nature and his inability to recognize his own flaws.

Laszlo's Vanity Impact on "What We Do in the Shadows"
Excessive Concern with Appearance Creates comedic moments and highlights Laszlo's self-centered nature.
Meticulous Grooming Habits Leads Laszlo into awkward and embarrassing situations.
Belief in Own Superiority Contributes to Laszlo's arrogance and sense of entitlement.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Actor Who Plays Laszlo in "What We Do in the Shadows"

This section addresses common questions and misconceptions regarding the actor who portrays Laszlo in the popular TV show "What We Do in the Shadows."

Question 1: Who is the actor that plays Laszlo in "What We Do in the Shadows"?

Answer: Matt Berry is the talented actor who portrays the eccentric vampire Laszlo Cravensworth in the TV series "What We Do in the Shadows."

Question 2: What is Matt Berry known for?

Answer: Matt Berry has gained recognition for his roles in various TV shows and films, including "The IT Crowd," "Toast of London," and "The Mighty Boosh." He is also known for his unique comedic style and musical talents.

Question 3: How does Matt Berry bring the character of Laszlo to life?

Answer: Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo is characterized by his impeccable comedic timing, expressive voice, and ability to capture the character's arrogance, vanity, and eccentric nature.

Question 4: What makes Laszlo such a beloved character?

Answer: Laszlo's charm lies in his unique blend of absurdity, arrogance, and vulnerability. His over-the-top personality and interactions with the other characters create hilarious and memorable moments.

Question 5: How has Matt Berry's performance as Laszlo been received?

Answer: Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo has received critical acclaim for its originality and comedic brilliance. He has been praised for bringing depth and humor to the character, making him a fan favorite.

Question 6: What are some of the highlights of Matt Berry's performance as Laszlo?

Answer: Some notable moments include Laszlo's attempts at poetry, his eccentric musical performances, and his hilarious interactions with Nadja and the other vampires.

Summary: Matt Berry's portrayal of Laszlo in "What We Do in the Shadows" is a testament to his exceptional acting skills and comedic genius. He has created a character that is both hilarious and endearing, making Laszlo one of the most memorable and beloved vampires in television history.

Transition to the next article section: Explore the evolution of Laszlo's character throughout the seasons of "What We Do in the Shadows" and discover how Matt Berry's performance has contributed to the show's overall success.

Tips for Embracing the Eccentric Charm of "What We Do in the Shadows"

Tip 1: Embrace the Absurdity
"What We Do in the Shadows" revels in its absurdity. Embrace the show's unique blend of humor and horror, and allow yourself to be entertained by the ridiculous situations and over-the-top characters.

Tip 2: Appreciate the Characters' Quirks
Each character in "What We Do in the Shadows" is brimming with peculiar quirks and eccentricities. Pay attention to their unique mannerisms, speech patterns, and motivations to fully appreciate the show's comedic brilliance.

Tip 3: Immerse Yourself in the World
The world of "What We Do in the Shadows" is rich and immersive. Take the time to notice the intricate details of the sets, costumes, and props. These elements contribute to the show's distinct atmosphere and enhance the viewing experience.

Tip 4: Don't Take It Too Seriously
"What We Do in the Shadows" is meant to be enjoyed as a lighthearted and comedic show. Avoid overanalyzing or trying to find deep meanings. Simply sit back and let the absurdity wash over you.

Tip 5: Binge-Watch for Maximum Enjoyment
The episodes of "What We Do in the Shadows" are interconnected and build upon each other. Binge-watching the show allows you to immerse yourself in the story and fully appreciate the character development and comedic arcs.

Summary: Embracing the eccentric charm of "What We Do in the Shadows" requires an open mind and a willingness to let go of expectations. By following these tips, you can fully immerse yourself in the show's unique world and enjoy its hilarious and absurd humor.


The exploration of "laszlo actor what we do in the shadows" has revealed the multifaceted nature of Matt Berry's portrayal and the significance of Laszlo Cravensworth within the popular TV show.

Matt Berry's exceptional acting skills and comedic genius bring Laszlo to life, showcasing the character's arrogance, vanity, and eccentric charm. Laszlo's unique blend of absurdity and vulnerability makes him a beloved character, contributing to the show's overall success.

The popularity of "What We Do in the Shadows" and Laszlo's character highlights the growing appreciation for offbeat and unconventional storytelling. The show's ability to blend humor and horror, while embracing absurdity, has resonated with audiences worldwide.

As the show continues to evolve, it will be exciting to see how Laszlo's character develops and how Matt Berry continues to bring his unique brand of comedy to the role. The future of "What We Do in the Shadows" and Laszlo Cravensworth promises to be filled with laughter, absurdity, and unforgettable moments.

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