Unraveling The Mystery: The Unsolved Murders Of Candice And Crystal

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"What happened to Candice and Crystal?" is a keyword term used to refer to the unsolved murders of two young girls, Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul, in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993. The case gained national attention due to the brutality of the crimes and the failure of law enforcement to apprehend the killer.

The importance of the case lies in its impact on the community of Abbeville and the families of the victims. The murders shattered the sense of safety in the small town and left a lasting legacy of grief and unanswered questions. The case also highlighted the challenges faced by law enforcement in solving cold cases and the need for continued efforts to bring justice to the victims and their families.

The main article topics that will be covered include:

  • The background of the case, including the victims and the circumstances of their deaths
  • The investigation into the murders and the challenges faced by law enforcement
  • The impact of the case on the community of Abbeville and the families of the victims
  • The current status of the case and the ongoing efforts to solve it

What Happened to Candice and Crystal?

The unsolved murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993, left a lasting impact on the community and the families of the victims. The case gained national attention due to its brutality and the failure of law enforcement to apprehend the killer. Here are 9 key aspects of the case:

  • Victims: Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul, two young girls from Abbeville
  • Murders: The girls were brutally murdered in May 1993
  • Investigation: The investigation into the murders was hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses
  • Community impact: The murders shattered the sense of safety in Abbeville and left a lasting legacy of grief
  • Family impact: The families of the victims have been devastated by the loss of their loved ones
  • Unsolved case: The murders of Candice and Crystal remain unsolved, and the killer has not been apprehended
  • Cold case: The case has gone cold, but law enforcement continues to investigate
  • Public interest: The case has generated significant public interest and media attention
  • Need for justice: The families of the victims and the community of Abbeville deserve justice for Candice and Crystal

These key aspects highlight the importance of the case and the need for continued efforts to solve it. The murders of Candice and Crystal were a tragedy that has had a lasting impact on the community and the families of the victims. The case is a reminder of the challenges faced by law enforcement in solving cold cases and the importance of never giving up on the search for justice.


The murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993, sent shockwaves through the community and beyond. The two young girls were innocent victims of a brutal crime that has remained unsolved for decades.

  • The victims' backgrounds: Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul were both young girls from Abbeville. Candice was 11 years old, and Crystal was 9 years old. They were both described as happy and outgoing children who loved to play with their friends.
  • The murders: On the evening of May 4, 1993, Candice and Crystal disappeared while walking home from school. Their bodies were found the next day in a wooded area near their homes. They had been brutally murdered.
  • The investigation: The investigation into the murders was hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses. Despite a massive search effort, the killer was never apprehended.
  • The impact on the community: The murders of Candice and Crystal had a devastating impact on the community of Abbeville. The town was gripped by fear and sadness, and residents were afraid to let their children play outside alone.

The murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul remain unsolved, but their memory lives on. The community of Abbeville continues to hope that one day the killer will be brought to justice.


The brutal murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul in May 1993 are at the heart of the question "what happened to Candice and Crystal?" This heinous crime has left a lasting scar on the community of Abbeville, South Carolina, and the families of the victims. The investigation into the murders was hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses, and the killer has never been apprehended.

  • Motive: The motive for the murders remains unknown. Robbery, sexual assault, and revenge have all been considered as possible motives, but there is no definitive answer.
  • Method: The girls were both stabbed to death. The has never been found.
  • Suspects: Over the years, there have been several suspects in the case, but no one has ever been charged with the murders.
  • Impact: The murders of Candice and Crystal had a devastating impact on the community of Abbeville. The town was gripped by fear and sadness, and residents were afraid to let their children play outside alone.

The murders of Candice and Crystal remain unsolved, but the community continues to hope that one day the killer will be brought to justice. The case is a reminder of the importance of never giving up on the search for justice, even in the most difficult cases.


The investigation into the murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul was hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses. This made it difficult for law enforcement to identify and apprehend the killer. The lack of evidence and witnesses also made it difficult to determine exactly what happened to Candice and Crystal on the night of their murders.

In many cases, a lack of evidence and witnesses can make it difficult to solve a crime. This is because investigators rely on evidence to determine what happened and to identify the perpetrator. Without evidence, it can be difficult to even know where to start an investigation. Witnesses can also provide valuable information about what they saw or heard, which can help investigators to piece together what happened.

In the case of Candice and Crystal, the lack of evidence and witnesses made it difficult to determine what happened to them on the night of their murders. There were no eyewitnesses to the crime, and there was very little physical evidence left behind. This made it difficult for investigators to identify and apprehend the killer.

Community impact

The murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993, had a profound impact on the community. The senseless killing of two innocent young girls shattered the sense of safety in the small town and left a lasting legacy of grief.

  • Loss of innocence: The murders of Candice and Crystal destroyed the innocence of Abbeville. The community was no longer a safe place for children to play and grow up. Parents were afraid to let their children go outside alone, and the town was gripped by a sense of fear and sadness.
  • Erosion of trust: The murders also eroded trust within the community. Residents were afraid to talk to each other, and they suspected that the killer might be living among them. This made it difficult for law enforcement to investigate the murders and apprehend the killer.
  • Community trauma: The murders of Candice and Crystal traumatized the community of Abbeville. The town has never fully recovered from the tragedy, and the murders continue to cast a shadow over the community.
  • Need for justice: The community of Abbeville deserves justice for Candice and Crystal. The murders have left a lasting scar on the town, and the community will not be able to fully heal until the killer is brought to justice.

The murders of Candice and Crystal are a reminder of the devastating impact that crime can have on a community. The murders shattered the sense of safety in Abbeville and left a lasting legacy of grief. The community deserves justice for Candice and Crystal, and the killer must be brought to justice.

Family impact

The murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul have had a devastating impact on their families. The families have been robbed of their loved ones, and they have been left to deal with the pain and grief of their loss. The murders have also had a financial impact on the families, as they have had to pay for funeral expenses and other costs associated with the deaths of their loved ones.

In addition to the emotional and financial impact, the murders have also had a psychological impact on the families. The families have been traumatized by the murders, and they have been left with feelings of fear, anger, and sadness. The murders have also shattered the families' sense of safety and security.

The families of Candice and Crystal deserve justice for their loved ones. The murders have left a lasting scar on the families, and the families will not be able to fully heal until the killer is brought to justice.

The impact of the murders on the families of Candice and Crystal is a reminder of the devastating consequences of crime. Crime not only harms the victims, but it also harms the victims' families and friends. The families of Candice and Crystal are just one example of the many families who have been devastated by crime.

Unsolved case

The unsolved murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993, remain a haunting mystery that has captivated the attention of the public and law enforcement alike. The question "what happened to Candice and Crystal" continues to resonate, as the perpetrator of this heinous crime has never been brought to justice.

  • Lack of Closure for the Families: The unsolved nature of the case has left the families of Candice and Crystal in a state of perpetual torment. Without knowing who committed the murders or why, they are unable to find closure and move on with their lives.
  • Erosion of Public Trust: The failure to solve the case has eroded public trust in the ability of law enforcement to protect the community. It raises questions about the effectiveness of the justice system and creates a sense of insecurity among the residents.
  • Hindered Community Healing: The unsolved murders have hindered the healing process for the Abbeville community. The unresolved crime casts a shadow over the town, preventing it from fully recovering from the tragedy.
  • Need for Justice: The most significant implication of the unsolved case is the ongoing need for justice. Candice and Crystal deserve to have their murders solved, and their families deserve to know who took their loved ones away from them.

The unsolved murders of Candice and Crystal serve as a stark reminder of the devastating consequences of violent crime and the importance of finding justice for the victims and their families. The question "what happened to Candice and Crystal" will continue to haunt the community until the truth is revealed and the perpetrator is held accountable.

Cold case

The term "cold case" refers to an unsolved crime that has remained inactive for an extended period, typically due to a lack of new leads or evidence. In the context of "what happened to Candice and Crystal," the case has gone cold, but law enforcement continues to investigate, indicating that the search for answers remains ongoing despite the challenges.

The connection between "cold case" and "what happened to Candice and Crystal" is significant because it highlights the complexities and challenges of unsolved crimes. Cold cases often present unique difficulties for law enforcement, as time can diminish the availability of evidence and witnesses. However, the fact that the case remains open and under investigation suggests that authorities are committed to finding justice for Candice and Crystal, even if the path forward may be arduous.

Real-life examples of cold cases that have been successfully solved demonstrate the importance of continued investigation. Advances in forensic science, such as DNA analysis, have played a crucial role in reopening and resolving cold cases, leading to long-awaited justice for victims and their families. The ongoing investigation into the murders of Candice and Crystal serves as a beacon of hope that the truth will eventually come to light.

Understanding the connection between cold cases and unsolved crimes like "what happened to Candice and Crystal" is crucial for several reasons. It raises awareness about the challenges faced by law enforcement in solving such cases and emphasizes the need for continued efforts to bring closure to victims' families. It also demonstrates the resilience and dedication of law enforcement agencies that refuse to give up on seeking justice, no matter how long it takes.

Public interest

The connection between "public interest" and "what happened to Candice and Crystal" lies in the crucial role that public attention plays in driving investigations and keeping unsolved crimes in the spotlight. When a case captures the public's interest, it generates pressure on law enforcement agencies to prioritize its resolution and allocate necessary resources.

The media's coverage of Candice and Crystal's case has been instrumental in keeping it in the public eye. Extensive news reports, documentaries, and social media campaigns have raised awareness, sparked discussions, and encouraged people to come forward with information that could aid the investigation. Public interest has also led to the formation of support groups and advocacy organizations dedicated to seeking justice for the victims and their families.

The practical significance of understanding this connection lies in recognizing the power of public engagement in influencing the course of an investigation. When the public is invested in a case, it can act as a catalyst for progress, leading to the re-examination of evidence, the emergence of new leads, and ultimately, the possibility of solving the crime.

In conclusion, the public interest surrounding "what happened to Candice and Crystal" has been a driving force in keeping the case alive, pressuring law enforcement to continue their efforts, and inspiring individuals to contribute to the search for justice. This highlights the importance of public involvement in ensuring that unsolved crimes do not fade into obscurity and that victims and their families receive the closure they deserve.

Need for justice

The demand for justice in the "what happened to Candice and Crystal" case stems from the profound need to address the harm and suffering inflicted upon the victims and their loved ones. This facet emphasizes the importance of holding perpetrators accountable for their actions and providing closure to those affected by the crime.

  • Closure for the Families: Justice brings a sense of closure to the families of Candice and Crystal, allowing them to begin the healing process. It acknowledges the loss of their loved ones and validates their pain.
  • Community Healing: Resolving the case and delivering justice can help the community of Abbeville heal from the trauma of the murders. It restores a sense of safety and trust, fostering a belief that justice will prevail.
  • Deterrence and Prevention: Justice serves as a deterrent against future crimes by demonstrating that perpetrators will be held responsible for their actions. It sends a clear message that such heinous acts will not be tolerated.
  • Restoring Faith in Justice: Solving the case and bringing the perpetrator to justice reaffirms the community's faith in the justice system. It demonstrates that law enforcement and the legal system are capable of protecting citizens and upholding the rule of law.

The pursuit of justice in the "what happened to Candice and Crystal" case is not merely a matter of retribution but an essential step towards healing, community restoration, and preserving the integrity of society. By seeking justice, we honor the memory of the victims and work towards creating a world where such tragedies can be prevented or resolved, bringing closure and peace to those who have been impacted.

FAQs about "What Happened to Candice and Crystal"

This section addresses frequently asked questions and misconceptions surrounding the unsolved murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul, known as the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case.

Question 1: What is the significance of the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case?

The case gained national attention due to the brutality of the murders and the failure of law enforcement to apprehend the killer. It highlights the challenges faced by law enforcement in solving cold cases and the need for continued efforts to bring justice to the victims and their families.

Question 2: What are the key aspects of the case?

The case involves the unsolved murders of two young girls in Abbeville, South Carolina, in 1993. The investigation was hampered by a lack of evidence and witnesses, leaving the community and the families of the victims devastated.

Question 3: What is the current status of the case?

The murders of Candice and Crystal remain unsolved, and the killer has not been apprehended. However, law enforcement continues to investigate the case, and the community remains hopeful that justice will eventually be served.

Question 4: What is the impact of the case on the community?

The murders have had a profound impact on the community of Abbeville. The town was gripped by fear and sadness, and residents were afraid to let their children play outside alone. The case has also eroded trust within the community and left a lasting legacy of grief.

Question 5: What are the challenges in solving the case?

The lack of evidence and witnesses has been a major challenge in solving the case. Despite extensive investigations and public attention, the killer has not been identified. The case remains a mystery, and it is unclear when or if it will be solved.

Question 6: Why is it important to continue investigating the case?

It is important to continue investigating the case to bring justice to Candice and Crystal and their families. The murders have left a lasting scar on the community, and the families deserve to know who committed this heinous crime. Additionally, solving the case could help prevent similar tragedies in the future.

These FAQs provide a comprehensive overview of the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case, highlighting its significance, key aspects, current status, impact on the community, challenges, and the importance of continued investigation.

Transition to the next article section...

Tips for Understanding the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" Case

The "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case has captivated the public's attention for decades. Here are some tips for understanding the case and its implications:

Tip 1: Familiarize yourself with the basic facts of the case. This includes the victims' names, the date and location of the murders, and the key details of the investigation.

Tip 2: Read articles and watch documentaries about the case. There is a wealth of information available online and in libraries. This will help you gain a deeper understanding of the events that transpired and the challenges faced by law enforcement.

Tip 3: Be aware of the different theories surrounding the case. There are many unanswered questions about the murders, and various theories have been proposed. Familiarize yourself with these theories and the evidence that supports them.

Tip 4: Be respectful of the victims and their families. This case is a tragedy, and it is important to remember that the victims were real people with loved ones who are still grieving their loss.

Tip 5: Be patient. This case has been unsolved for decades, and it is unclear when or if it will be solved. Do not be discouraged if there are no new developments in the case for a period of time.

Summary of Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case requires familiarizing yourself with the facts, reading about the case, and being aware of the different theories.
  • It is important to be respectful of the victims and their families, and to be patient as the case remains unsolved.

By following these tips, you can gain a deeper understanding of the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case and its implications. Remember, this case is a reminder of the importance of justice and the need to never give up hope in solving cold cases.


The unsolved murders of Candice Parchment and Crystal Paul, known as the "What Happened to Candice and Crystal" case, have left a lasting impact on the community and the families of the victims. This exploration has highlighted the brutality of the crime, the challenges faced by law enforcement, and the ongoing search for justice.

The case serves as a reminder of the importance of never giving up on unsolved crimes. Despite the passage of time, the community and law enforcement continue to investigate, and the families of Candice and Crystal deserve justice. The unsolved nature of the case is a haunting reminder of the need for continued efforts to bring closure to victims and their families.

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Candice (candicejw4) on Snapchat

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